Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Artur Davis finds opposition from black leadership???

Our first black governor is battling some unlikely critics -- black Democratic leaders who were on the front lines of the civil rights movement.Mr. Davis is focusing his campaign on rewriting Alabama's highly amended constitution and tougher government ethics standards, reforms that appeal to middle-class voters. Now Sparks who is stressing issues that traditionally appeal to black voters creating a state LOTTERY and he want tp expand gambling to provide money for education and Medicaid.

Ok this how I feel Davis is the best chance that the dems have to win the govenor's seat. If the ADC does not support him, they should just hand the election over to the republicans. I personally will be voting for the dems nominee so this infighting among dems doesnt bother me one bit. Also, it amazes me how Reed claims to fight for the poor blacks of this state but will be for giving poor people handouts and welfare which does nothing to resolve their poverty, but will be against school VOUCHERS & CHARTER SCHOOL that will educate these LOW INCOME people and get them out of poverty. That being said, who's really playing who? If you dont stand for anything what will you stand for forreal?????

Mobile Teen Madness

But for the past three months, I have been deeply affected by the surge in youth violence that has been travelling across our coummunity like a college road trip. Stop wherever it wants. Some nights quiet. Some nights never end. Sometimes high on liquor and Ecstasy. Sometimes sober as the 12 step program. Nevertheless, TEENS killing TEENS hurts ever bone in my body. And I have made it a mission to make form a Teen Hall Meeting.


Youth Violence in the Mobile Area

WHEN: Saturday, January 23rd 10:00 am to 12 noon

WHERE: Mobile Gas Auditorium

SPONSORED BY: Mobile Youth Justice Coalition & Mobile City-County Youth Council

The Mobile City-County Youth Council and the Mobile Youth Justice Coalition are sponsoring a Teen Town Hall Meeting, Saturday, January 23rd, 10:00 am to 12 noon at Mobile Gas Auditorium. At this meeting, youth in the Mobile area will identify key situations and circumstances that often result in unnecessary physical and verbal violence. There will be three primary areas of focus for violence: in the home, at school and at social events and gatherings. Teens will be able to express their concerns and also have the chance to offer viable solutions that they feel will reduce youth violence in the Mobile area. Our ultimate goal is to bring an end to youth violence and the tragedies that go hand in hand with challenging situations.

Young people realize the importance of communication and dialogue in problem-solving; and are proud to have the opportunity to share with elected officials & policy makers their thoughts and suggestions of ways to successfully achieve our goal.

Influence of a Mentor

It was growing up that I experienced the positive impact of a mentor can have on someone's life. Someone you can trust, who will support you and give you advice that is in your best interest. My mentors were family members and teachers that I felt comfortable sharing my life with.In my life, mentors played a large role.Growing up my Grandmother she kept me in church and on the right path when the wrong path was so easily accessible.

The importance of giving back and caring for those who are most in need of help is why I often lend my time to different charities and why I started my own coalition Mobile Yuuth Justice Coalition.

I encourage you to come be a mentor and make that person an important part of your life. I reaching out to all Memember of the Community

Please view our website

Jay-Z Beyoncé A Wedding Planner?

Beyoncé-planned her 1st 40th birthday party last month. Jay no is offering her service to services to British star Robbie Williams. Jay-Z say she will be a perfect wedding planner for Williams girlfriend A. Field.

I guess she coming out the game early...ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rihanna and Matt Kemp

Going into the year with a new LOVE, Rihanna spent the day in the pool with her new boyfriend Matt Kemp in Mexico on Monday, Matt Kemp is a member of da Los Angeles Dodger & Silver Slugger winner, So I guess Chris Brown is out the PARK.....Killa