Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mobile Teen Madness

But for the past three months, I have been deeply affected by the surge in youth violence that has been travelling across our coummunity like a college road trip. Stop wherever it wants. Some nights quiet. Some nights never end. Sometimes high on liquor and Ecstasy. Sometimes sober as the 12 step program. Nevertheless, TEENS killing TEENS hurts ever bone in my body. And I have made it a mission to make form a Teen Hall Meeting.


Youth Violence in the Mobile Area

WHEN: Saturday, January 23rd 10:00 am to 12 noon

WHERE: Mobile Gas Auditorium

SPONSORED BY: Mobile Youth Justice Coalition & Mobile City-County Youth Council

The Mobile City-County Youth Council and the Mobile Youth Justice Coalition are sponsoring a Teen Town Hall Meeting, Saturday, January 23rd, 10:00 am to 12 noon at Mobile Gas Auditorium. At this meeting, youth in the Mobile area will identify key situations and circumstances that often result in unnecessary physical and verbal violence. There will be three primary areas of focus for violence: in the home, at school and at social events and gatherings. Teens will be able to express their concerns and also have the chance to offer viable solutions that they feel will reduce youth violence in the Mobile area. Our ultimate goal is to bring an end to youth violence and the tragedies that go hand in hand with challenging situations.

Young people realize the importance of communication and dialogue in problem-solving; and are proud to have the opportunity to share with elected officials & policy makers their thoughts and suggestions of ways to successfully achieve our goal.

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