Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Artur Davis finds opposition from black leadership???

Our first black governor is battling some unlikely critics -- black Democratic leaders who were on the front lines of the civil rights movement.Mr. Davis is focusing his campaign on rewriting Alabama's highly amended constitution and tougher government ethics standards, reforms that appeal to middle-class voters. Now Sparks who is stressing issues that traditionally appeal to black voters creating a state LOTTERY and he want tp expand gambling to provide money for education and Medicaid.

Ok this how I feel Davis is the best chance that the dems have to win the govenor's seat. If the ADC does not support him, they should just hand the election over to the republicans. I personally will be voting for the dems nominee so this infighting among dems doesnt bother me one bit. Also, it amazes me how Reed claims to fight for the poor blacks of this state but will be for giving poor people handouts and welfare which does nothing to resolve their poverty, but will be against school VOUCHERS & CHARTER SCHOOL that will educate these LOW INCOME people and get them out of poverty. That being said, who's really playing who? If you dont stand for anything what will you stand for forreal?????

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